DEMDACO will honor product pricing for orders placed in January (regardless of tariff increases).

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Elisabeth Hays

"Butterfly Lady"

This beautifully imaginative collection of artisan butterfly reproductions, ceramics & functional pieces infuse Elisabeth Hays' love of natural elements, mixed media, translucent materials & abstract art.

Dressed in Detail

Dressed in Detail

From brand new jewelry collections to new colors in top-selling formats, our latest fashion launch is really the greatest.

stuff snail

Oh Baby!

From their first few months to their 'big kid' room, DEMDACO's here to offer support, fun & functionality all along the way.


Land That I Love

Souvenirs remind them of a time they never want to forget. Help them take their trip to go with meaningful and playful new products and artwork!


Deck the Halls

Help them deck the halls with more than just holly. Make it sparkle, shine and soothe and delight all season through!


Pronounced dem-day-koh, and named for our founders Demi and Dave, we strive to “lift the spirit” in times of celebration, when comfort is needed or just to put a smile on someone’s face. Our hand-curated artisan gifts are chosen for their potential to help people nurture goodness in the lives of others, and celebrate family, friends and themselves.